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Creating a Class

Make sure to check out our basics guide if you have general questions about creating addons for TTT2.

To create a class, the function CLASS.AddClass(name, classData, conVarData) has to be called on both client and server.

-- Example 1 - A basic class

    color = Color(149, 188, 195, 255),
    lang = {
        name = {
            English = "Your Class",
            Deutsch = "Deine Klasse"
        desc = {
            English = "A class description",
            Deutsch = "Eine Klassenbeschreibung"

Shown in example 1 is a basic class with only a name and a color and no active features. This file has to be stored in <your_addon>/lua/classes/classes/<this_file>.lua to be registered automatically on both client and server.


The name parameter of the class is a unique identifier for your new class that can be used for example in hooks to make sure they only are active for players of this specific class.


The classData argument is a table that contains all the important class settings.

General Class Settings

Setting the Class Color

The class color is stored in the color variable. This color value is used to display the class in the HUD and in other places like targetID.

classData.color = <Color> -- [default: Color(255, 155, 0, 255)]
Setting the Language

The language for the class consists of two parts: The name and the description. At least the name should be set, but it is good practise to set the description as well.

The existing language identifiers can be found inside these files. Currently these identifiers exist: English, Deutsch, Русский, Polski, Italiano

classData.lang = {}
Setting a Class to Be Passive

By default, classes are active. This means that they have an ability that is enabled on keypress and can only be used once activated. Besides these active feature, classes can have passive features as well (like armor for a class). However, if your class should only have passive features, set this variable to true.

classData.passive = <boolean> -- [default: false]
Surpress Keep on Respawn

If true, the player won't get the class back on respawn, no matter how the ConVar ttt_classes_keep_on_respawn is set.

classData.surpressKeepOnRespawn = <boolean> -- [default: false]

See the Vendetta for an example.

Class is Active During Death

Should be set to true, if the class is getting active after the players death and should not get removed after death. This information is important for other addons like "TTTC Class Dropper".

classData.activeDuringDeath = <boolean> -- [default: false]

See the Vendetta for an example.

Deactivate Automatic Class Handling

The class system handles each feature in predefined functions. However you might want to create a really custom class that does not rely on any standard implementations. By setting this variable to true, none of the following functions and tables will be used.

classData.deactivated = <boolean> -- [default: false]

See the Vendetta for an example.

Passive Ability

Passive Weapons

A table of weapons given to the player once the class is set, they are automatically removed when the class is removed from the player. You can use the hook TTTCPreventClassEquipment to prevent the weapon hand-out and TTTCPreventClassRemovement to prevent the weapon removal to happen.

classData.passiveWeapons = {}
Passive Items

A table of items given to the player once the class is set, they are automatically removed when the class is removed from the player. You can use the hook TTTCPreventClassEquipment to prevent the item hand-out and TTTCPreventClassRemovement to prevent the item removal to happen.

classData.passiveItems = {}
On Class Set Callback

A function that is called when this class is given to a player after class change or on respawn. You can use the hook TTTCPreventClassEquipment to prevent this function to happen.

classData.OnSet = function(ply) -- [default: nil]
On Class Unset Callback

A function that is called when this class is removed from a player. You can use the hook TTTCPreventClassRemovement to prevent this function to happen.

classData.OnUnset = function(ply) -- [default: nil]

Active Ability

Active Weapons

A table of weapons given to the player once the class is activated, they are automatically removed when the class is deactivated or removed from the player.

classData.weapons = {}
Passive Items

A table of items given to the player once the class is activated, they are automatically removed when the class is deactivated or removed from the player.

classData.items = {}
Active Time

The time how long the ability is enabled after the player activated it. If set to 0, onActivate isn't called. You have to use onDeactivated in this case. This can be used for classes that have no active ability, but an ability that triggers an event.

classData.time = <number> -- [default: 60]

See the Nebula for an example of an event ability with a time of 0.

Cooldown Time

The cooldown time after the usage of the active ability.

classData.cooldown = <number> -- [default: 60]
Charging Time

Defines how long the activation key must be pressed to activate the ability, nil for instant activation.

classData.charging = <number> -- [default: nil]
Max Activation Amount Per Round

Defines how many times an ability can be activated per round, nil for infinite times.

classData.amount = <number> -- [default: nil]
Endless Class Ability

If true, the time of an ability is infinite and time is ignored.

classData.endless = <boolean> -- [default: false]
Unstoppable Class Ability

If true, the player can not disable the ability once they pressed the ability key.

classData.unstoppable = <boolean> -- [default: false]
Avoid Weapon Reset

By default, all weapons from the player inventory get removed once they activate their class ability. These weapons are given back after the ability is deactivated. If set to true, the player keeps his weapons while the class ability is active.

classData.avoidWeaponReset = <boolean> -- [default: false]
On Class Activate Callback

A function that is called on activation of an ability. If avoidWeaponReset is set to false weapons will be removed prior to this function call.

classData.OnAbilityActivate = function(ply) -- [default: nil]
On Class Deactivate Callback

A function that is called on deactivation of an ability. If avoidWeaponReset is set to false weapons will be given back prior to this function call.

classData.OnAbilityDeactivate = function(ply) -- [default: nil]
On Class Prepare Callback

A function that is called prior to OnAbilityActivate. If this function is set, the ability will be activated on the next ability-key press. This can be used to have a two step activation procedure

classData.OnStartPrepareAbilityActivation = function(ply) -- [default: nil]

See the Frost for an example.

On Class Finish Prepare Callback

This function will only be called if OnStartPrepareAbilityActivation was set. It is called on the second press of the ability key and is done directly before OnAbilityActivate. If the ability was canceled in this process, this function is called prior to OnAbilityDeactivate.

classData.OnFinishPrepareAbilityActivation = function(ply) -- [default: nil]

See the Frost for an example.

On Class Charge Callback

This function is called once every frame after while a player is in the charging process, if the function is set and it returns nil or false, the charging process is stopped.

classData.OnCharge = function(ply) -- [default: nil]
Check Class Activation Callback

This function is called when the ability should be activated. Activation fails if the function is set and it returns nil or false.

classData.CheckActivation = function(ply) -- [default: nil]


The conVarData table holds all default values for the convars to modify the class.

Class Random

This defines the spawn chance of a class.

conVarData.random = <number> -- [default: 100]

Other Resources

  • See the TTT2 docs for more information about TTT2 and TTTC hooks [coming soon!]
  • See this class for a really simple example
  • Check out this folder and that folder for a bunch of examples